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Hello my rock loving friends!

I have finally finished my remodelling of, well, everything. Gems posed nicely for new photos, my blog, Whispering Wolf, is now part of the site, loads of new information, a newly organized healing directory and new goodies.

 If you already have account, please click the "Request new password" tab on your first visit to the new site. You will receive an email with a one time special login where you can then set a new password. All of your completed orders have been saved and will be available to you again once logged in.

Visit the NEW SITE!

You also now have a 2nd choice for newsletters! The Gemstone News will stay as it has been from the start. I've added a second option for Event News so that you may stay up to date on the when and where I will be in person at a show or expo. Just use the "Click here to view e-news on website". You will find the option for it in the Sign up here area. Check the Events News box, click update and you will be good to get those notices!

While I never do commercials, I am going to make an exception here. I would like to give a HUGE shout out to Sioux Hasten at Wonder Wave Hosting. Thank you with all my heart! If you are looking for a place to host your site or to have someone build your dream site, contact her. I could not have finished this without her help on my design ideas and technical issues, not to mention all her encouragement.

And now, on to Imperial Topaz!

Technology is my friend. Yes, that became my mantra over the past months. But, I am happy to announce that I lived through the changes. Something that helped was one of these little friends, an Imperial Topaz. I had not really researched all they had to offer and was curious why I could not have it be far from me during this whole process. Read all about this wonderful gem HERE.

Come visit me in Harvard on September 29th!

The event will offer Intuitive Readings, Reiki, Crystals, Smokeless Incense, Tarot Bags and a few other Surprises.

Kitty Mystic Expo

Friday, October 19 through Sunday, October 21, 2018

Visit me at Autmn Drive 9 to 5 all three days.

Autumn Drive

Saturday, November 3, 2018 • 10am to 4pm

RECHARGE: A FREE Holistic Expo to help you renew, rejoice, recharge.


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Get info on new gems, subscriber only sales, tips & techniques, classes, events and lots more! And if you provide your birthday you'll get a cool present from me on your special day!