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A sweet treat for you!

Hello everyone!

After what started as a fairly mild season, Mother Nature desided to give us all of winter crammed in to a few weeks here in Wisconsin. Besides the cold, I now have another blanket of 12 inches of snow over the past two days. Yes, it is pretty. And yes, I am really ready for spring and warm sunny days.

I am excited to offer some new Chakra Stone kits I've just brought in from a small village workshop in India. They have done a really smooth polish on the stones and great carvings which are accented with hand painted gold metal paint. They are available in two styles of laser cut wood boxes or just the stones in a silky pouch. Each comes with an instruction sheet and placement guide. Check them out HERE-->

Use code HEARTS2U at checkout to receive 20% off EVERYTHING until midnight on February 14th. Yes, even the new kits! My Valentine Gift to all of you!

Carved Chakra Stones

7 Chakra Stones Boxed Set

7 Chakra Stones in Boxed Set

Be Well, Stay Warm and Rock On!

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